Truancy Intervention Procedures

●  When a student accumulates three (3) consecutive or a total of five (5) unlawful absences the principal or designee will notify the family via mail or email.
●  At five (5) unlawful absences a conference is required with student and parent or guardian to develop a truancy intervention plan designed to improve student attendance and eliminate unlawful absences. A written truancy intervention and attendance contract should be signed by all participants with a copy provided to the parent and student.
●  When a student accumulates more than seven (7) unlawful absences, the school will update the truancy intervention plan, indicate why the plan was unsuccessful, and make amendments as needed.
●  Additional interventions will be discussed and implemented.
●  In the event that unlawful absences continue following the interventions, the case will be reviewed for additional interventions and/or further action. The case may be referred to the Department of Social Services, the Ninth Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office for participation in Family Court, or other interventions.
Note: Suspensions are not counted as unlawful for truancy purposes. A deadline will be imposed for the work to be made-up and the responsibility for getting and completing assignments will be on the student.

Attendance Intervention Procedures

The attendance clerk shall make contact (by phone or email) to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of students who are absent. Once a child has accumulated five (5) unexcused absences and determined to be truant, Allegro officials must make every reasonable effort to meet with the parent(s) or guardian(s) to identify the reasons for the student’s continued absence. These efforts will include telephone calls and possibly home visits, both during and after normal business hours, as well as written messages and e-mails. Allegro school officials will develop a written, personalized “intervention plan” to address the student’s continued absence in conjunction with the student and parent(s) or guardian(s). This written plan will be coordinated by members of an intervention team. An intervention team (attendance clerk, school counselor and often an administrator) will communicate with the student and family to establish goals for attendance and review possible consequences for continued absence.

The attendance clerk will submit an attendance printout and dates of contact to the intervention team coordinator. The child is entered into the PowerSchool discipline module as truant and a disciplinary referral is completed. The intervention team shall:

  • Hold a conference with the student and the parent(s) / guardian(s).

  • Identify reasons for the student's unlawful absences.

  • Develop a plan in conjunction with the student and the parent(s)/guardian(s) to improve attendance. 

  • Apprise the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the South Carolina Compulsory Attendance Law.

  • Document the conference by having all appropriate conferees sign and date a Student Attendance Intervention Plan form in the spaces provided.